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Membership Guidance

The following guidance is intended to help make the sessions run smoothly and provide members
with a wide variety of games.

The Club uses a group structure comprising three groups over three courts. Sessions start at 8.00pm
and by agreement with the sports centre management finish at 10.00pm sharp.


Attendance time
Where possible please attend punctually and stay until the end of each session. Late arrival often
disrupts the initial games and doesn’t allow groups to function as intended. Late arrival will also
mean that you don’t get as many games as you might hope during the course of the evening. If by
9.50pm you are unlikely to be called upon to play again during that session then it will be acceptable
to depart before the end of the session.

Notification of non-attendance
If you are not able to attend a session, please use the WhatsApp group link to advise us of your non-
attendance no later than the preceding Friday. If an unforeseen event occurs after that time which
prevents you from attending, please use the WhatsApp group link in the same way.
Guests who will not be on the WhatsApp group should use the e-mail link provide to them at the
start of their probationary period.

Remaining with your group
To enable a fair balance of games allowing both mixed and same sex games, members should remain in their groups throughout each session. If another group is short of players, members may
temporally move to another group if it is possible to do so without disrupting their own group. They
should move back to their original group upon completion of that game.

If we receive late notification of non-attendance, members may be asked to move from their
allocated group to another group for the duration of that session.

By signing up for the new season commencing in September 2024 or at any time thereafter you
agree to acknowledge and work with this guidance.

Thank you,
HASBC Membership Committee

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